Recognized Acupuncturists

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Acupuncture is a form of alternative medicine and a component of traditional Chinese medicine

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Dr. Tiffany Zhang 20
Years Acupuncturist

Won The Best Choice On YELP From 2017 - 2019
Trusted By Local Residents

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Professional Staff

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Skillful Acupuncture

Clean & Elegent

What our patients say


I just had an acupuncture session with Tiffany and hoping to get my labor started naturally. It was for induction and it went really well...


I came to get my contractions more regular. I had more and stronger contractions during acupuncture session and it helps regulate them.


I came in today with no contraction no feeling only one centimeter dilated. After about 30 mins session I started having contractions every 3 mins...

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